Key Tools and Resources

EPAI provides Key Tools and Resources in patient advocacy empowering advocates with essential assets for navigating healthcare challenges.

From mapping patient pathways to leveraging evidence-based advocacy and understanding GDPR regulations, these resources facilitate informed decision-making, drive policy change, and amplify patient voices. Access to comprehensive tools enables advocates to address disparities, improve healthcare outcomes, and champion the rights and well-being of patients in healthcare systems worldwide.

Online Tools

Tool to map patient pathways

Patvocates has developed a toolkit for patient organisations to map out their patient pathway. The tools provided help to untangle the patient pathway and identify the challenges patients and caregivers face.

The toolkit is publicly available for the community to use in order to reduce disease burden and improve the quality of life of patients and caregivers. This project has been sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim.

Healthcare, research & data

Educational resources for patient advocates in the areas of healthcare systems & access, research & data as well as advocacy tools are available on the WECAN Academy website.

Skills Improvement

WECAN Academy online learning platform provides patient advocates the opportunity to grow their skills whenever wherever they want.

Advocates can access on-demand courses, a resource library, and a private community to share experiences

Evidence-Based Advocacy

An open-access online course on the basics of Evidence-Based Advocacy


An online course for patient advocates on how to publish and co-author in peer-reviewed publications


GDPR open-access online course on GDPR concepts of the regulation, obligations and implications for patient organisations